Mindfulness is a way of dealing with everyday challenges presented by the human mind.

Mindfulness involves taking a pause from the incessant activity of the mind. Often when people believe they are taking time out, the mind is nevertheless racing to the future or ruminating on the past. Too frequently, we ride over and ignore much of human experience, rehashing the past in our minds and/or worrying about the future. Mindfulness based therapy is the name given to an awareness that emerges when we focus attention on particular aspects of our experience in the present moment. It requires re-learning and practice.

Many people go through life as if it is a race against time.  If you go through your day and cannot remember by the end of it what you ate, what it tasted like, how you felt during the day etc. you are not alone. The vast majority of people experience life in this way.  Living life on auto pilot can result in stress, anxiety, fear, feeling overwhelmed, isolated etc.  In using Mindfulness, incorporating this practice into daily life, we begin to uncover the additional reactivity which can lead to distress and suffering.  Reflecting on insights and self-awareness gained through the practice of Mindfulness leads to many benefits for our mental and emotional well-being.

‘You cannot control the waves however, you can learn to surf’.  Jon Kabit-Zinn

Research uncovered that mindfulness practice improves the immune system and increases brain function in positive ways.  Mindfulness leads to altering activation symmetries in the prefrontal cortex.  The change in the prefrontal cortex is a change associated with an increase in positive feelings, emotions, physiological sensations and a faster recovery time from exposure to negative experiences.

Extensive scientific research has revealed the effectiveness of mindfulness in the treatment of stress, anxiety, low mood, disordered eating, overeating, pain, among numerous other conditions.  Over 250 medical centers worldwide provide mindfulness-based therapies.  Mindfulness based therapy has been applied to a variety of physical and psychological conditions.  In addition, mindfulness is employed in a variety of contexts; including medical training, in a range of corporate settings, by the army, to name but a few.  It has a vast array of extremely successful applications.


Developing your inner resources for dealing with life’s challenges.

Mindfulness has been shown to lead to the following:


– A calmer mind
– Quietening the chatter of a racing mind
– Increased  concentration and focus
– Enhanced decision making abilities
– Gaining clarity; a clearer perspective
– Managing and reducing stress levels
– Increasing confidence and self-esteem
– Enhanced cognitive functioning
– Compassion
– Emotional Intelligence

Physical Health

Extensive scientific research has revealed the effectiveness of mindfulness in leading to improvements in relation to the following:

– Sleep
– The immune system
– Energy levels
– Managing pain

Mental Health

In research, Mindfulness found to lead to increases in positive feelings and emotions. Scientific research has revealed the effectiveness of mindfulness in the treatment of:

– Stress
– Anxiety
– Low self-esteem
– Low mood
– Overeating