At this point, you may be unsure, of what exactly you require in order to help you make desired changes in your life. Naturally, the word ‘therapy’ may have a number of connotations for you and it can conjure up a variety thoughts and ideas. The purpose of this website is to reassure you that change is possible and that there are powerful and effective evidence based therapeutic techniques, which have aided countless numbers of people to achieve long-term benefits from therapy. Although it may feel difficult to take that first step, therapy can offer you the chance to overcome difficulties leading to clarity, ease and contentment.
Skills Training Approach – Skills for Life
Taking a skills training approach to therapy, I train my clients in self – help techniques. I ensure clients have a range of tools and resources fundamental to health and well-being. I treat you as an individual; aiming to ensure you obtain the very best out of each session. The treatment plans I put together are based on substantiated principles and protocols of cognitive behavioural therapy, utilising hypnosis to increase effectiveness. The evidence basis for this integration means the effectiveness of the therapy you receive increases significantly. One leaves the consultation room with a feeling of well being, developing psychological resilience and confidence in their ability to deal with life’s difficulties.
Range of Therapy
Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy (CBH) uncovered as one of the most evidence based therapeutic interventions, available today in the field of psychology and psychotherapy. The therapy gained recognition by the British Medical Association and the American Medical Association in the 1950’s. Recent research includes brain-imaging data, clinical trials and laboratory experiments to name but a few. It is recognised by the American Psychological Association, The British Psychological Society and is used by the NHS.