‘Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom’ – Lao Tzu

Self Awareness Therapy| Personal Development Counselling | Co. Mayo

I place emphasis on educating, empowering and inspiring.  Developing self-awareness enables one to regain freedom in thoughts and behaviour, harnessing the potential of your mind.

The enormity and profound ability each of us possess in our mind, is remarkable. Research clearly reveals that empowering clients to gain control in their lives, results in psychological resilience and impacts positively on health.

Sessions are between fifty minutes and an hour in duration and consist of primarily cognitive behavioural therapy techniques and strategies, psychology, psychotherapy, mindfulness and hypnosis when it is pertinent. You and I meet for (no obligation) initial consultation exploring the challenges you are experiencing. By the end of this consultation, I will be in a position to inform you how many sessions are recommended and the various techniques and strategies that will inform your treatment plan.